The Edge of Coaching

#27 Pamela Larde: Joy, Creativity & Visibility in Coaching

George Warren Season 2 Episode 7

Dr Pamela Larde is an expert in the science and practice of joy.  Her roles include Professor of Leadership at Anderson University • Director of Education for the Institute of Coaching • Founder of Academy of Creative Coaching and Author.

She is committed to engaging in the work of advancing the reach and commitment of the coaching profession to serve and build up heart-centered leaders around the world. 

Her research focuses on race and gender dynamics, self-motivation, joy resilience, and posttraumatic growth. 

She written three books, contributed chapters to scholarly publications, and presented research extensively for national and international audiences.


Academy of Creative Coaching

Joyfully Single: A Revolutionary Guide to Enlightenment, Wholeness and Change

The Practice of Joy Workbook

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