The Edge of Coaching

#23 Trevor Waldock: Eldership, Thresholds & Meaningful Conversations

George Warren Season 2 Episode 3

Trevor Waldock is an author, social entrepreneur, and executive coach with over 30 years of experience in leadership development. He’s led teams, written books, been deep within the world of executive coaching for a very long time.

Trevor also developed the Integrated Global Leadership Model, a holistic framework for corporate leadership. In 2005, he founded Emerging Leaders, a global non-profit impacting over 100,000 people in 25+ countries, bringing leadership development to vulnerable communities. Today, his focus is on eldership through Emerging Elders and empowering young leaders via The Youth Compass Project.

Your Coaching Development

If you'd like to explore the edges of your coaching, we offer:

🎥 ICF Mentor Coaching Programs

❤️ 1:1 and Group Supervision

🌳 Coaching With & Within Nature (2 Days)

💪 Coaching With Challenge (2 Days)