The Edge of Coaching

#21 Josie McLean: Systems, Sustainability & Systemic Coaching

George Warren Season 2 Episode 1

Josie is internationally recognised as a pioneer of the Australian coaching industry and helps leaders apply the principles of complexity or living systems to their leadership challenges and lead effectively through uncertainty.

Josie’s portfolio encompasses her award-winning doctoral work Embedding Sustainability into Organizational DNA, the influential book Big Little Shifts: A practitioner’s guide to complexity for organisational change and adaptation
and the acclaimed collaboration with coaches worldwide Ecological and Climate-Conscious Coaching: A Companion Guide to Evolving Coaching Practice. 


Josie's Website
Josie's LinkedIn
Josie's Instagram
Josie's Twitter

Climate Coaching Alliance
Association for Coaching Podcast with Josie, Eve & Alison
Ecological and Climate Conscious Coaching

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