The Edge of Coaching

#17 Viv Chitty: Energy, Boundaries & Strong Emotions

Season 1 Episode 17

Viv Chitty is Director of the coaching and supervision consultancy Viv Chitty Associates, she has over twenty years’ experience in executive coaching and specialises in working with senior executives who have multiple challenges to face, across a spectrum of organisations in the UK and abroad. 

Viv is an accredited coach at Master Practitioner level (EMCC) and has a degree in Psychology, a post graduate Diploma in counselling and an MA in coaching and mentoring. In addition, Viv is an accredited coach supervisor (CSA).

Recently, Viv has pioneered and researched a ground-breaking new methodology, Optimal Energy® Coaching, which is based on her MA research and book Coaching for Optimal Energy: A guide for executive coaches. This addresses client energy levels with a focus on how this influences how they perform, feel, behave, relate to and impact others.  

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