The Edge of Coaching

#09 Simon Cavicchia: Paradox, Complexity & Connectedness

George Warren Season 1 Episode 9

George is joined today by Simon Cavicchia.

Simon is an experienced consultant, facilitator, executive coach and coach supervisor. He is a former Programme Director on the MSc in Coaching Psychology at the Metanoia Institute with London South Bank University. And currently Faculty on Ashridge Masters in Masters in Executive Coaching.

As will unfold in this conversation, He is particularly interested in exploring relational perspectives on organisational life and consulting, and is committed to continually researching how these perspectives can be used to inform practice and learning in organisations..

He is the co-author of The Theory and Practice of Relational Coaching: Complexity, Paradox and Integration and, you might recall, was given a shoutout by Frances White on episode 2 of this podcast. 

Simon's Linkedin -

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