The Edge of Coaching

#06 Clare Norman: Mentor Coaching, Mindset Traps & 'Being' as a Coach

George Warren Season 1 Episode 6

George is joined today by Clare Norman, MCC.

With over 20 years of coaching experience, Clare is highly sought after by other expert coaches, as well as successful coach training companies as a Master Mentor Coach. Clare looks to continually sharpen individuals’ coaching edge and upskill mentor coaches so they can deliver high-quality feedback to their coaches-in-development.

Her laser focus on mindset shifts and her knack for spotting marginal gains has made her a go-to person for coaches looking for mentorship and practical, meaningful ways to improve their practice. With an international following of both her coaching peers and senior leadership, Clare is making a difference to the world of work via the professional application of coaching.

Connect with Clare at or write to her at

Your Coaching Development

If you'd like to explore the edges of your coaching, we offer:

🎥 ICF Mentor Coaching Programs

❤️ 1:1 and Group Supervision